Demonstrates: One speaker is in a cap that completely closes the tube end, and the resonances are those of a half-open tube. (The acoustic impedance is high at these resonances.) A second speaker is in a cap with slots cut in it, and the resonances are those of the fully open tube. (The acoustic impedance is low at these resonances.)
Description: A small speaker & frequency generator drive resonances in a boomwhacker tube. Resonances can be heard (the sound is louder) and/or measured with a cellphone dB app.
Instructions: Using a chemistry clamp (3 prong clamp), set boomwhacker tube (with the chosen speaker end cap) so that it is held in a fixed position. Attach the function generator to the speaker using alligator clips. Set the amplitude to 4.00 VPP, and the frequency to various values. The dB level will peak at various resonance frequencies, this will be both measured and heard.
Items Used: Boomwhacker tube, speaker end caps, function generator, cell phone with app, or other dB measurement tool
Notes: There are 2 caps available, one with closed end, the other with openings in the cap. Math Description: None.
Size: Varies by tube Condition: Good Hazard: None.