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Title: Standing Wave with strobe
PIRA: 3B 10.20

Demonstrates: Shows the students a standing wave. By adjusting the frequency of either the strobe light or the function generator, can show the students the wave "stopped'.
Instructions: Use 2 carts, tie the string at the end of one cart, and drape over the pulley on the end of the other cart. Add weights to the draped string to adjust tension. Place oscillator underneath string, and fit string into slot. Connect function generator to oscillator, and place strobe light so the light is pointed away from students, but illuminates the string. Match frequency of function generator to strobe light for "stopped" wave.
Items Used: String, function generator, oscillator, pulley, weights

Notes: Math Description: None.

Size: Condition: Hazard: None.

Schematic: None. Tech Specs: None. Web Links:

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