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Fluid Mechanics

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2C 10.10 - Water trajectory
Demonstrates: Water trajectory as function of pressure.
Description: An upright clear, plastic tube with five corked holes at equidistant spacing.
2C 20.10 - Laminar Flow
Demonstrates: Laminar Flow
2C 20.30 - Bernoulli Effect (Beach Ball)
Demonstrates: Fluid dynamics.
Description: A beach ball levitates in mid-air.
2C 20.40 - Bernoulli Principle (Plates)
Demonstrates: Fluid dynamics.
Description: One metal plate will couple with another due to the reduced pressure of fast moving air.
2C 20.50 - U-Tube
Demonstrates: Fluid dynamics.
Description: Fluid level will rise or fall at one end of a U shaped tube when the other end has fast moving air moving over the other end or taken away.